Outburst Queer Arts Festival

outburst_bannerOUTBURST Queer Arts Festival is a Registered Charity and not-for-profit initiative, dedicated to exploring and celebrating lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender stories and experiences through the Arts in Northern Ireland. Our programme aims to support, encourage and inspire local LGBT creativity, in addition to bringing the best in international queer Arts to the city of Belfast.

As a festival our line up changes each and every year to bring you the very best queer talent. From art, to theatre, to exhibitions, shows, stand-ups, sit-downs, films and music, OUTBURST is literally bursting with love, creativity and ingenuity.

To find out more about Outburst visit: http://outburstarts.com/

[toggle open=”true” title=”What is Outburst?”]

Outburst does exactly what it says it does. It is a Queer Arts Festival dedicated to highlighting LGB and T creativity across Belfast and Northern Ireland.

Outburst is made up of an extremely dedicated team of people who make the festival so fantastic and run so smoothly. We just couldn’t do it without them.

The Outburst team is small and dedicated. The team is made up of:


FESTIVAL DIRECTOR: Ruth McCarthy Photo_on_2011-11-11_at_10.54

FILM PROGRAMME: Cian Smyth & Michele Devlin


PRESS: Angela Carolan


BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Paula Keenan, Patrick Sanders, Cian Smyth and Dominique Bouchard


[toggle title=”When does Outburst take place?”]
Absolutely not. CC has responded to claims to the contrary. CC licenses are copyright licenses, and depend on the existence of copyright to work. CC licenses are legal tools that creators and other rightsholders can use to offer certain usage rights to the public, while reserving other rights. Those who want to make their work available to the public for limited kinds of uses while preserving their copyright may want to consider using CC licenses. Others who want to reserve all of their rights under copyright law should not use CC licenses.[/toggle]

[toggle title=”Where does Outburst take place?”]

The Outburst team is really keen to have Outburst out in the community to help raise awareness of Queer Arts everywhere. Many of the events around Belfast are held in the likes of the Lyric Theatre, The MAC, The Black Box and the Belfast LGB and T Centre. For more information about what is on and where click here.


[toggle title=”Is Outburst free to attend?”]

Outburst is a free and public festival, open to any person interested in the Queer Arts. The festival is funded by key partners in Northern Ireland. However some of the festival events do have a charge for entry simply to allow us to bring you such amazing events or to offset some of the expenses for venue hire. When the Outburst festival guide comes out every year it gives you a clear break down of events which may or may not charge. We try to make all our events accessible to all people as much as possible but sometimes we cannot do this due to funding issues.


[toggle title=”Who funds Outburst?”]
Outburst is funded primarily by the Arts Council of Northern Ireland but is also sponsored by other key agencies such as Belfast City Council, the Department of Social Development, Age NI and the Public Health Agency. Together all these fantastic services have come together to allow us to bring you the best festival line up year on year.

OUTBURST Arts Festival is a company limited by guarantee
No. NI603571 and a Registered Charity, No. XT28314


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Would you like to get in touch with the Outburst team? Have you any thoughts or suggestions on events or performers you would like to see this year? If so then let us know. Simply get in touch with a message by filling in the contact form below and we will get back in touch.


Contact Form


[contactform]Thank you![/contactform]


[gmap address=”9-13 Waring Street, Belfast” html=”9-13 Waring Street, Belfast” maptype=”TERRAIN” zoom=”60″]